Toward a 'Book of Knowledge and Wisdom', transmissible to future generations in hope of Renaissance.

meme - An element of culture transmissible by non-genetic means.

memeplex -
A set of associated memes which interact to reinforce each other.

Welcome to the Missive Project

Human civilization is arguably in early stages of a catastrophic, global collapse to be followed by a desperately dark age.

Against that possibility the Missive Project aims to preserve and transmit 'unpackable' kernels of knowledge with the goal of facilitating Renaissance.

This site is under construction. Please excuse errors and inconsistencies. --- Dave Z

'Poetic' Sample

This is an example of how I see information being presented in 'poetic' form. I'm only a Vogon-level poet, so please look for potential, rather than poesy. Once foundations have been laid, I hope to attract real wordsmiths.

This sample is intended to convey the Scientific Method:

The Hands of Knowledge

Ask of the world why?
And if why, what if?
And if so, how?

Ask of that which does not fit, why?
And of that to which it cannot fit, what then?

Compare prediction with measured observation.
Let go that which is not confirmed.

Compare trial by one with that by another.
Let go that which is not reproducible.

Compare what is known against that which is not.
Let go that which is not significant.

Compare explanation with what must be explained.
Let go that which does not explain.

Question assumption.
Let go that which cannot stand.

Prefer the simpler explanation
Let go that which is needlessly complex.

Learn from mistake
Let go that which is mistaken.

These are the Hands of Knowledge.
If you remember nothing else,
Remember these.


  1. I've pondered giving feedback on this one because it isn't favorable. Finally decided that considering this perspective early in the project might be beneficial.

    Simply put, poetry is widely viewed as a nonsensical, indecipherable waste of time by most people. And that's when times are good and life is easy.

    If you want to choose a capsule for memes that would be instantly disregarded as trivial and worse by the couriers, and confusing to the recipients, if by some miracle it arrives at its destination, then choose poetry.

    In case that's too abstract, imagine people running for their lives, near starving, dragging only the bare essentials. For most of their lives. For generations maybe. As they make their mental list of stuff to pack and keep handy, nothing poetic is going to make the cut.

    1. Critical is often as or more valuable than favorable... please don't hesitate on that account! However, I'm going to argue against your thesis...

      'Poetry' covers a fair range of forms.

      Most people remember poetry even WHEN it is perhaps nonsensical and indecipherable (certainly not our goal, anyway). But even more so when it promises attainable albeit presently unattainable knowledge.

      Consider "Ring around the rosey; A pocket full of posies; Ashes, ashes; All fall down!" This snippet comes down to us FROM dark ages, despite having lost much of its meaning for most.

      Consider the songs Aiko Aiko, Coventry Carol, Greensleeves.

      I'm particularly thinking of poetic prose, as in the sample provided.

      Consider the Illiad, Psalms, Sutras, or Eddas.

      Even at my clumsy level, it's the kind of thing I could easily memorize, vs the kind of prose found in a textbook or encyclopedic entry. Memorization may not even be initiated as such, but with only a few readings, a well crafted phrase stays with the reader.

      For example, if someone begins, "Four score and seven years ago...", MANY of us can recite a fair chunk of the Gettysburg address.

      In the scenario of desperation you paint (no dispute there!), I think it will be precisely 'portable poetry',with the promise of answers, which has a chance of making the cut, where no mere textbook can. The how-to they need will be evolving day-to-day in real time and, after initial culling, will be mostly in hand; but what-why will be a mystery pursued whenever there's a quiet moment. Our job is to both tantalize and help them along a path.

      I hope that 'the Missive' would be packed where possible. Or if not, that some of it will stick and be repeated around the fire in oral tradition, rejoining text as it may.

      Fortunately, this is not by any means the only project along these lines. Other approaches are being pursued, many of them not poetic. To my mind, the more avenues, the merrier!

      Dave Z

  2. The examples you cite are surely memorable.

    In the case of the Gettysburg Address, though, that wouldn't likely be applicable to this project for a few reasons. The main one is that you and I can remember parts of it many years later due to an organized effort to teach it with lots of motivation to learn -- what today would be considered mass traumatic academic child abuse! ;-)

    Stripping away everything else, my major concerns about using poetry are these:

    1) What value is there in the long-term successful transmission of a phrase ("ring around the rosies"), if within a relatively short time, no one remembers what it means?

    A quick glance at the Wikipedia article for that rhyme shows the wide variation in lyrics as it moved through place and time. If its purpose is just to entertain children, no problem. If needed to accurately transmit a meaning, big problem.

    2) While such catchy rhymes clearly have the ability to travel, and contain some meaning, do they have the storage capacity to transport the size of intellectual cargo that needs to be transmitted? I think not, and not by a long shot. However, referring to my earlier comments on the topic of "Intended Audiences", rhymes might be able to function as "pointers" to an information payload that they themselves do not carry.

    "Even at my clumsy level, it's the kind of thing I could easily memorize ..."

    Not a time for modesty. The fact is that your ability in this and many other things is very far above average. If you were the sole courier, again, no problem. If you want great numbers of less educated, less capable people to be couriers, it would likely be a problem.

    Regardless of my opinion, this project will have to overcome those obstacles to be successful if a poetic path is taken.

    1. Hi Yoda,

      Good comments all!

      One of the important points of the Missive, I believe, is that it be useful along the way. Parts of it, at least, should have immediate application all along the chain of transmission.

      I also very much doubt that it can stand alone (as ring-around-the-rosy must). It's got to be accompanied by at least some understanding, which is transmitted along with the text proper by, say, parents to children.

      The Bible is an example... standing alone, it's pretty durn opaque. It is transmitted via individuals and communities which illuminate and provide depth and connection to the text.

      My hope is to provide a more integral basis for a similar transmission, and one with more hands-on for any who go beyond.

      Dave Z
