Toward a 'Book of Knowledge and Wisdom', transmissible to future generations in hope of Renaissance.

meme - An element of culture transmissible by non-genetic means.

memeplex -
A set of associated memes which interact to reinforce each other.

Welcome to the Missive Project

Human civilization is arguably in early stages of a catastrophic, global collapse to be followed by a desperately dark age.

Against that possibility the Missive Project aims to preserve and transmit 'unpackable' kernels of knowledge with the goal of facilitating Renaissance.

This site is under construction. Please excuse errors and inconsistencies. --- Dave Z

Kernel Proposals

Kernels gathering here are intended to present the core concepts of their discipline in 'plain english', but without regard (at this point) for accessible language or poetry.

They should be sufficiently developed to initiate investigation along what we understand to be the correct path. Each may be expanded, to some degree, so long as they do not a) founder in detail, or b) give a false impression that other, unexpounded paths are unworthy or false.

Where possible, they will be developed and ordered such that those presented earlier will lay ground work for those that follow.

While all of these are in draft form and open to correction and expansion, note blank entries. These are still wide open.


Critical Thinking

Assess, Address, Appraise.

Scientific Method

Theory, hypothesis and prediction compared against measured observations in reproducible experiments. Confirmation of falsifiable theory. Occam's Razor.

Systems Theory

A system is a configuration of parts joined by a web of relationships. System Theory abstracts relationship dynamics common to all systems. Once extracted, they can be applied toward the understanding of other systems. Feedback.


Number + Math

Positive, zero, negative numbers. Infinity. Rational, irrational numbers. Exponents. Orders of magnitude.
Mathematical Definitions by Frank Drake et al.



Atomic thesis, simplified atomic structure, basic vocabulary, electrons and charge. Quantum hint?


Definition(s), basic forces, Laws of Thermodynamics (include Zeroeth Law).


Newton's Laws of Motion. Simple Machines (inclined plane + screw, lever, wheel and axle, block and tackle).


States of matter. Atomic elements. Electron sharing. Molecular bonding. Redox and metathesis reactions?

Element, compound, mixture.
Solid, liquid, gas. Crystalline structure.

Table of Elements.


Electrons. Current, voltage, power. P=IV V=IR. Magnetism. Electromagnetic fields and radiation.



Near-spherical earth. Planets + moons orbiting sun forming solar system. Milky Way as edge-view of our galaxy from near the rim.

Celestial sphere. Equator and tropics. Solstice and equinox. Solar time.

Life Sciences

Evolutionary Thesis

Differential success in replication among competing variations, under the influence of natural selection.


Hippocratic Oath.


Cardio-pulmonary. Blood coagulation and types. Gastro-intestinal. Immune system. Organs and their basic functions. Nervous system. Reproductive functions.

Infectious Disease

Germ Theory, isolation, antibiotics, asepsis, changing of dressings, nursing.


Basic sanitation, boiling and filtration of water, burial practices.

First Aid

Assessment. ABCH. Bone-setting. Amputation. Wound care. Shock management.


This list, I'm thinking, should reflect what would be most useful to persons who are living in subsistence modes. As such, it would be a minimal list which can be made from materials obtained 'in the field', following clear instructions.

Soap, vinegar, leather tanning, ether, iodine solutions, glass, paper, ink, mortar.


  1. Under the Reason category, I'd suggest adding "Critical Thinking" (CT). Talk about an important plank, applicable to every single person, for rebuilding society? While the Scientific Method is listed, it is only one specific example of CT. I'm describing a much more general skill useful in all areas of life.

  2. Under the Life Sciences category, you list Gaian Theory, and mention that it is in dispute. A simple way to solve the problem occurred to me. Omit all attribution of consciousness and intent to the Earth. Instead, change the title of that item and focus on the "web of life" concept, interconnectedness of all things, etc. No metaphysics there. Just scientific fact. An a foundational fact at that with all sorts of positive ramifications for a new society which incorporates it into their thinking and actions.

    1. Hi Yoda,

      Yes... the teleological fallacy (conscious intent and personification of Gaia) was a strange attractor to many who embraced the idea, and an obstacle to its acceptance as theory.

      Lovelock (the proposer of the hypothesis) publicly berated himself for the name and somewhat sloppy prose, but never considered intent to be any part of it, believing rather that it stood on purely scientific legs.

      Gaian thinking has since come to be accepted as legitimate theory (no longer hypothetical), and the teleological has been firmly excluded from its prose.

      Part of the problem is that the (Gaian) earth system is clearly a complex adaptive system, and these often display behaviors we associate consciousness and intent. Scientific objectivity reaches from these, toward ourselves, for whom it is an ongoing debate as to whether we ourselves possess consciousness/intent, or whether we are 'emergent properties' of our underlying, deterministic systems.

      I'm one who tends to roll his eyes at the debate, but don't tell either the scientists nor the mystics!

      Dave Z

  3. Wow, there's delayed responses, and then there's _delayed responses_! Glad to see you're still kicking. Got to get over to the triloboats blog and see what you been up to. ;-)
