Toward a 'Book of Knowledge and Wisdom', transmissible to future generations in hope of Renaissance.

meme - An element of culture transmissible by non-genetic means.

memeplex -
A set of associated memes which interact to reinforce each other.

Welcome to the Missive Project

Human civilization is arguably in early stages of a catastrophic, global collapse to be followed by a desperately dark age.

Against that possibility the Missive Project aims to preserve and transmit 'unpackable' kernels of knowledge with the goal of facilitating Renaissance.

This site is under construction. Please excuse errors and inconsistencies. --- Dave Z

26 January 2019

KERNEL: Evolution

KERNEL: Evolution
CONTENTS: Replicators (fecundity, fidelity, longevity), natural selection, genotype, phenotype, extended phenotype, ecosystems

The theory of evolution is somewhat tricky, as it has itself evolved over time. While there is broad scientific consensus, even such fundamentals as what should be considered the 'unit of selection' are hotly contested.

I personally favor the 'gene' (functionally defined in Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene) as the unit of selection, with the operative concept being 'that which replicates'. In that sense, genetics can be alluded to without going into detail. He defines 'general' natural selection as the differential survival of entities.

At any rate, it seems  as good a starting point for future scientists as any, from which they may draw their own conclusions.

I would personally like to include Dawkin's concept of the Extended Phenotype... the idea that genes encode not only the organism (phenotype), but also many alterations of the environment via the organism's behaviors ('extended' phenotype).


As many more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a struggle for existence, either one individual with another of the same species, or with the individuals of distinct species, or with the physical conditions of life.… 

Can it, then, be thought improbable, seeing that variations useful to man have undoubtedly occurred, that other variations useful in some way to each being in the great and complex battle of life, should sometimes occur in the course of thousands of generations?  

If such do occur, can we doubt (remembering that many more individuals are born than can possibly survive) that individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their kind?  

On the other hand, we may feel sure that any variation in the least degree injurious would be rigidly destroyed.  

This preservation of favourable variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural Selection.

-- From The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

  1. Traits: Organisms pass (genetic) traits on to their offspring (sometimes imperfectly).
  2. Variation: There is trait/organism variation in every population.
  3. Offspring: Organisms produce more offspring than can survive.
  4. Competition: Organisms compete for limited resources (according to their traits).
  5. Natural Selection: Those organisms embodying more beneficial (adaptive) traits are more likely to survive and reproduce (differential survival of entities).
To which I'd add:
  1. Speciation: the Origin of Species.
  2. The Extended Phenotype (Dawkins): Genotype > Phenotype > Environment > Genotype
  3. You Are Here: Note on where one fits in the Grand Scheme of Things


1. The First Ancestor

In the deeps of time
In the seethe of chaos
In the broth of possibility
The first ancestor chanced to be
Matter twined unto itself
Itself a pattern for another

The first replicator
That which copies itself
The ancestor of all life

One became two
Two became four
Four became many
Many became all

Spread high and low
Deep and wide
Filling all the world
One great family

2. Script

Script is within all living entities
Too small for eyes to see
Encoded with instructions
Script written by the world
As we shall see

According to script
Bodies and their parts
Are built to plan

According to script
Bodies in their workings
Are regulated in function

According to script
Bodies in their features
are constrained in possibility

According to script
Bodies in their behaviors
Are given tendencies

These expressions we call traits

Script is copied from parents to offspring
Cut in sex and shuffled
Half from each
According to rules passed down
Within the script itself

Script may be copied awry
And the script is changed

Script may be damaged
And the script is changed

Script may be rewritten
And the script is changed

Where the script is changed
Are bodies changed

We call these changes mutation

Mutation in script
Mutation in form
Mutation in function
Mutation in behavior

Often is change injurious
Sometimes is change indifferent
Seldom is change advantageous

Advantage is rare
Advantage is precious
Advantage is preserved
Advantage is compounded
Refined in the long course of generations

From the first script
Of the first ancestor
Is the script rewritten

Adaptation writ quick
Mutation writ slow

Script may lie long out of reach
Yet knowing script is
May guide your knowing

3. The World and Script

More are brought forth
Than the world can bear

Not all who are born survive
Not all who survive may breed
Not all who breed give birth
Nor bring their young to breed again
Passing script from parent to offspring
According to what is written

In this circle of life
Do a few go forward
Of the many who live

Without intent
Without malice
Without mercy
The world weighs against all

Life competes for life

Each with its kind
Each with other kinds
Each vies with the world
Each vies for limited resources
Each exposed to hard chance
Each according to its script

Through quick and shuffling adaptions of script
Through slow perfection of mutations of script
Do those entities endowed with more advantage prosper
Do those entities burdened with less advantage wither

Thus unknowing and blind
Does the world naturally select
Which may prosper
And which do not

4. Speciation

Whence come the many kinds?

Each kind is like unto a branch of a great tree
When one kind is divided for a while
Some of their number here
Some of their number there
By land or sea
By diet or habit

Each grows in its surrounds
Each shaped by its surrounds
One isolate from the other

Over many generations
Scripts diverge according to need
Bodies diverge according to script
Each adapting to their divergent surrounds
Each accumulating small changes in script

Too much change
Fertile offspring fail
A branch is parted
New branches form

Kinds from kind are sprung
In the long years of deep time
So many branches
So many kinds

5. Evolution

Bodies with traits
Shuffled by sex
Winnowed by the world
Culled by what is
Culled by what is not
Fitting form to function
Mindlessly suppressing
That which is less fit
To its place in the world

What works goes forward
Adaptation proceeds
One generation to the next
Tending fit form to function
Within the ever changing world

Bodies build bodies 
According to script
Bodies compete
According to traits
Winnowed or spread
According to success
Of bodies they build

Body and trait
Each shaped by the world
Each shapes the world in turn

Differential reproduction of bodies
Differential propagation of traits
Compounds success
Gives rise to kinds
Furthers the adaptive
Supresses the rest

The world is the blind selector
Indifferently differentiating

6. Script and the World

As the world shapes script
As script builds bodies
As script enables behavior
So script reorders the world

Bodies and behaviors change the world
The changed world demands adaptation
Adaptation changes the world in new ways

Look around you
Observe teeming life
Observe its influence on the surrounds
Observe the balance
Observe what disrupts the balance
Observe how balance reestablishes

In these you see script made manifest
In these you see the world at work
Work without effort
Work without intent

7.  You

You are a living entity
You are of the family of life
You are not special
You are special

You and yours are not among the many
That have yet gone extinct
Reached the end of their run
Of well adapted fortune

Each of your ancestors
Survived long enough to reproduce
Reaching back to the first

You are a survivor
In that very long line

Tho life may appear struggle
The trend is adaptive
For those who adapt
This world a paradise

8. If you would know

Look to strategy of individuals
Look to survival of individuals
Look to replication of individuals
Look to reproduction of individuals
Look to relatedness of individuals
Look to relationships between individuals
Look to competition between individuals
Look to cooperation between individuals
Look to dependencies between individuals
Look to dependencies among individuals

Look to survival of offspring
Look to distinction of kinds

Look deep within each being
Look deep within the world too small for eyes
Look to those entities which replicate

Look to flow of information
Look to flow of energy
Look to flow of resources
Look to flow of the world

Remember this
The world is the blind selector
Indifferently differentiating

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