Toward a 'Book of Knowledge and Wisdom', transmissible to future generations in hope of Renaissance.

meme - An element of culture transmissible by non-genetic means.

memeplex -
A set of associated memes which interact to reinforce each other.

Welcome to the Missive Project

Human civilization is arguably in early stages of a catastrophic, global collapse to be followed by a desperately dark age.

Against that possibility the Missive Project aims to preserve and transmit 'unpackable' kernels of knowledge with the goal of facilitating Renaissance.

This site is under construction. Please excuse errors and inconsistencies. --- Dave Z

15 March 2016

KERNEL: Genesis

Night Vision

KERNAL: Genesis
CONTENTS: Big Bang, Origin of Spacetime, Scale, Formation of Stars and Solar system, Origin of Life

My intention with the Genesis section is to present a quick skeleton of the big picture, to help form a context for subsequent Kernals. As such, it's held to a lower bar.

While the scientific account seems to me to be as engaging as any, and not requiring a deity, neither do I see it as in conflict with the spirit of most religious accounts. 

So here's a stab at it...


In the beginning was naught
And the world was not
Nor space nor time

At a moment that was not yet a moment
The all awoke

Time was
Space was
Energy was

And energy became matter
And matter descended the wells of gravity.
And this universe was

Vast in scale beyond imagining
Smaller in scale than the eye can see
And every scale between

From this great awakening
Matter and energy followed their own law
Sliding ever down the path of entropy

From order to disorder
From disequilibrium to equilibrium
Dissipating directional time

Stars those suns like our own
galaxies those myriads of stars
Grew old and died

In the course of Deep Time
Our Sun was born
And planets in its orbit
Moons around them
Our world was born
Hot and wet
Without vestige of life

On our world
In the deeps of time
In the seethe of chaos
The first ancestor chanced to be

The first replicator
That which copies itself
The ancestor of all life

And there was life

1 comment:

  1. First, I will assume, in the spirit of this project, that a reboot would even be possible, and if so, that it would be a good idea. Neither is certain.

    Second, based on the first assumptions, this is a very ambitious and noble project. Hats off to its originator and to those involved. While I am uncertain of my ability to contribute, I appreciate the opportunity to try. My main contribution would likely be to examine the project critically to help it to reach its goals. My first set of comments come from my initial examination of the project concepts as seen with fresh eyes.
